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GD Merithew

Coder / Creator / Day Drinker


A day without coffee is like…

sorry, I have no idea.

Don’t judge me by the breadth of my accomplishments, but rather by my desire to consistently grow by charging new challenges. True growth only comes by undertaking projects for which you are not inherently qualified.



HTML5, CSS, SCSS/LESS, JavaScript/ES6, GIT, PHP, Node.js, NPM



Adobe CS, UI/UX, Web, Mobile, Responsive, Figma, XD, Invision, Sketch, Zeplin, Lucid Chart  



From engineering to sales & marketing, to the C-Suite, and from the client to the end-user, I love to interface the whole gamut.



Angular, Vue.js, React, Bootstrap, Bulma, Tailwind, Ionic, Cordova, Capacitor, Vuetify, PrimeNG



Sometimes plug-and-play just makes more sense.  WordPress, Craft, Drupal, Magento, Shopify, Woo Commerce… 


performance, seo, WCAG, A/B

PageSpeed Insights, Litehouse, Axe, Optimizely, WebAim




Agile, Scrum, BugHerd, Jira, Trello, Confluence, Wiki, Asana, Slack, Everhour, Freshdesk, 365


Editors & ide

VS Code, Visual Studio, Eclipse, Atom, IntelliJ 



AWS, GCS, Azure, Jenkins, Docker




Developer / Tinker / Cyclist / Dad

Fueled by caffeine, a vigorous work ethic and tremendous enthusiasm, I find ideas contagious and often provide the launching point for something grand. Acting on fresh ideas is the JUICE!

I’ve been told that at first blush I can come across as gruff (always have, I don’t know why), although creating true connection, doing-for-others and supporting my family, friends, colleagues, and community is hard-wired in my DNA.  I have deep emotions, a great deal of empathy, and uncanny ability to see both sides of the coin. If you can get past that “first blush” you’ll find a steadfast ally and confidante.

I divide my time between the the digital world and physical to tinker/create/build/fix. I love to inspire and teach others and am at ease communicating directly with decision makers.

Human Skills

  • Ability to dig deep and listen before formulating and opinion or sharing a suggestion.
  • Teaching others and having immense coach-ability.
  • Collaborative team player
  • Great empathy for the customer, co-worker and sourced vendor
  • Entrepreneurial Spirit with the ability to pivot quickly
  • Able to gracefully receive and deliver useful criticism
  • Self-Aware
  • Methodically organized

Hard Skills

  • Highly motivated to working independently or within a team environment
  • Pixel perfect UI/UX design translation
  • Ability to juggle multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Lean and Agile
  • Diligent with great attention to detail
  • Champion of articulate verbal communication
  • Champion of strong written documentation
  • Ability to collaborate and communicate across projects teams and with the client.

A small sampling of treats

I would be delighted to discuss any project in detail

Reference available upon request.

  • html5
  • css3
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • wordpress
  • web standards
  • accessibility
  • usability
  • seo
  • responsive layout
  • ajax
  • object oriented
  • cross browser
  • GD
  • skills


Have a question or want to work together?

GD Merithew
